Our CSR commitments

A commitment to the environment, a CSR priority

First and foremost, environmental issues are at the heart of the chemical industry's concerns. Safecare, a manufacturer of hygiene products, is actively committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach, focusing on the following fundamental principles:

Eco-design of products

Health and safety

Compliance with standards

Obtaining certifications

Responsible Care

Green responsible care logo with hands - CSR commitment

On July 7, 2020, we signed the France Chimie Responsibility Charter for our Montanay and Trévoux sites.

Discover the 6 key principles of the charter:

  • Corporate culture: safety and respect for the environment.
  • Protection: Safety of employees and the environment.
  • Chemicals management: Safety and transparency.
  • Responsible partnerships: Ethical collaboration.
  • Stakeholder engagement: Dialogue and improvement.
  • Sustainable development: eco-responsible practices.
Green responsible care logo with hands - CSR commitment

The active ingredients in our products are meticulously selected by our Research and Development department to meet rigorous quality, safety and sustainability criteria. Indeed, we place the utmost importance on human health, choosing ingredients that minimize the risk of irritation or sensitization, while complying with the strictest sanitary standards.

In addition, as part of our CSR commitment, we prefer components that have a reduced impact on ecosystems, and ensure that they are biodegradable.

Up to 99.5% biobased ingredients

Our certifications

Ecocert certification logo
ISO 9001 logo
ISO 14001 logo
Hygiene and Responsible Care Federation logo

We make a point of guaranteeing the quality of our products through rigorous certification.

These standards attest to our commitment to excellence and compliance with international standards. Here are just a few of the certifications that testify to our commitment to CSR.

Ecocert certification logo
ISO 9001 logo
ISO 14001 logo
Hygiene and Responsible Care Federation logo

CSR News